Wednesday 16 November 2011

Possible Thriller Case Studies

Animal Kindgom (2010) - I would like to use this as a case study as it is a brilliant film and encapsulates the genre of a 'Crime Thriller' perfectly and although it has a mainly linear narrative it has a complex storyline and is gripping for the audience. 

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2009) - Although I haven't seen this film as of yet, I plan to very soon as I have heard/seen great reviews of this film and think it would help me in understanding and being able to use Thriller conventions, such as the Femme Fatale in this film. 

The Birds (1963) - I would like to use this film because it's not a modern day film and I think to get a good, wide knowledge of the genre you have to explore all generations and periods in which the films were set and made in. 

The Third Man (1949) - I would like to maybe use this film due to the fact that it is a noir thriller and is the original type of thriller, thus I think that I could not use the genre to its maximum potential without analysing how it was first used in the original noir thrillers. 

Jackie Brown (1997) - This could be a good film to use because it is a film that challenges social conformities in that the main character is a middle-aged black woman and not a young white person, which shows a change in attitudes at that time and also perhaps reflects the Zeitgeist of the time also. 

Heavenly Creatures (1994) - I really like the idea of using this film because the narrative structure and storyline is very similar to some of the ideas we have been having and I think we could quite easily use the conventions of the Thriller used in this film in our own Thriller.

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