Thursday 10 November 2011

Final Cut: Preliminary Task


This is the final cut of our G321 Preliminary Task. This task shows use of camera skills and film skills, such as the 180 degree rule and shot-reverse-shot. The first shot used is a very low angle shot, which is used to connote mystery because the person in the shot isn't shown, therefore it is an enimga. This is followed by another low angle panning shot - zooming out to a long shot. This establishes the location and also shows more of the person in the shot so we can associate with them as the audience. We then used an over-the-shoulder shot to show movement down the corridor - this is used to gain further association with the character in shot. The next shot was a bird's eye shot as she walked into the room where the dramatic moment happened. This use of high angle, bird's eye viewpoint is used to give perspective, but it also could be said that it was used as foreshadowing to a dramatic point to her being looked down upon and dominated. As she walks into the room a panning shot is used to follow her across the room, but not focus on the other character in the room. The conversation of both of the characters is used inside the 180 degree rule, which means that all shots need to be taken along the same line of 180 degrees, if not the audience could get disorientated and confused. The shot process used in the conversation is called 'shot-reverse-shot' - which is used to show each character then cut to the other character.

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