Thursday 17 November 2011

Initial Thriller Ideas

Idea 1:
Our first idea was to have an old man telling a story as an voiceover and then having the story being about a young man, but the young man would be the old man many years ago.

Why we didn't choose it: We thought this idea would be too complex to convey to the audience in such a short time as the storyline would be complex and chaotic because with a voiceover and the old man the narrative could not be linear due to the main part of the film being a flashback. We also didn't have much a clear idea of what to do either on this idea so we decided it would be best to work together and come up with something much simpler.

Idea 2:
Our second idea was to have a little girl wanting revenge on her step-mother for causing a break-up between her and the girl's Dad. The young girl, with the help of the now depressed alcoholic Father, would set out to kill the woman.

Why we didn't choose it: We didn't choose this idea because we didn't think the aspects of the film were of the thriller genre. A creepy child trying to kill somebody is a horror convention because in reality it would take a lot for a little girl to kill a fully grown woman. Also the use of the relationships and love triangle, as such, would be way too complex to convey in only 2 minutes.

Idea 3:
Our third idea was have a teenage girl working in a café and shot of her shoes, of which being very recognisable. Then cut to a man watching her from his car outside. We would have a flash of a wall covered in photos of the girl with times written on the photos. This would make it seem like he is stalking her. She would walk home and he would follow her. As she walks into her house, the gate is left open and the man follows her in to her home. A black screen is shown and a loud scream is heard as the title flashes up. Then it cuts to the man driving a pick-up truck and the girl lying in the back of the truck in a bin bag with her bare foot hanging off the end of the truck, twitching. Her shoe would then be found near her house by a friend, perhaps could be shown in the café also.

Why we did choose it: We chose this idea because it was a relatively simple idea and has limited characters. We decided on locations as well as the storyline which made it easier because it was clearer in our minds as to what we were doing. Although we did need to tweak it slightly to get the idea viable to only 2 minutes, we think the main idea is going to work.

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