Explain how this clip reflects the thriller genre and what does the camera angle connote about the character of Ordell Robbie
The low angle 'trunk' shot at 3:34 is used to connote a sense of dominance about the characters but also to show the
characters to be key characters in the scene. We can see by the screen shot (left) that Tarantino uses the 'trunk' shot a lot in his films and could be seen to be an intertextual reference to other films such as:

- 'Pulp Fiction' : showing a very low angle shot of the two characters to establish them as dominant characters in the scene and also that the trunk may have something to do with them as characters.

Most of the shots are also slightly tilted to connote a sense of mystery about the scene and to show Ordell as a character not to be trusted or as a slight enigmatic figure. The main close-up of the scene is of Ordell just after he has put Beaumont in the 'trunk' of his car - showing an imediate connection between the use of the trunk and the character of Ordell.
The combination of the low angle shots of characters either opening or closing the trunk is strong example of Tarantino's auteur visual style. These shots also link the characters as Tarantino's fans will compare one of his characters with another because audiences watch films intertextually. Thus the purpose of these shots indicates that the characters share the strengths and weaknesses of those from previous Tarantino films. Thus Ordell is similar to Vince and Jules and the gangsters in Reservoir Dogs. An interesting post.