This is the practise shoot for the opening to our Thriller - however we will not be using much, if any, of this footage because we think that we can do much better with more time and more planning.
The main problem with this practise shoot was the mise-en-scene and some of the shots. We were quite rushed, as the woman who owned the café needed to lock up so we didn't have much time to get more than one of each shot.
The lighting was a key part of why this shoot wasn't a success. The large torch that we used for lighting didn't work as it only lit up a small area of the café and not the whole area, and it also ran out of charge halfway through filming. Next time we will make sure to use different lighting and perhaps use a reflector (left) to bounce some of the light back onto the characters to make them visible on screen to the audience - as most of the shots in the dark cannot be seen on the screen.

Costume was also a problem due to the man character wearing jeans and also taking his hat off halfway through filming and then putting it back on near the end - changing our continuity. When we re-shoot we will be using a different man for our character of 'Adrian' and make sure the costume is perfectly sorted before the shoot goes ahead.
The character of the man was also a problem due to him being too young for what the character would be, realistically, thus on our next shoot we will be using Lauren's Dad to make sure we have a reliable person to film with and also somebody who is much older to make the character of the man much more believable.
The only other thing is that we needed to use more close-up shots to show more detail to the audience.
When we re-shoot we are going to use a different café which will be much bigger and we will have much more time to shoot and get the shots we need.
Alex you've learned a great deal from the weaknesses of your first shoot and edit. Planning often seems promising on paper but the art is in the camera shots and the edit. Well done for intelligently evaluating the problems with your first edit.