Sunday 25 March 2012

Question 6: Evaluation

What have you learn about new technologies from the process of constructing this product? 

During this process I learnt about the importance of the internet when finding out information or when exhibiting our products. YouTube is a huge global website that I have used a lot to find clips of films to research and also using it to put our raw footage on to such as: 

 Although, just like YouTube, I had encountered and used IMDb before using it on this course to find information, it never failed to give me detailed information about films and recommend different films - proving useful to find films similar to ours. 

  Working with a digital camera proved difficult at some points due to the tripod getting in the way of the shot or the getting camera shake due to the using the camera handheld. 
  The biggest problem with our filming was our first attempt. Some of the tilt shots were too much titled. The handheld shots were very shaky and the small surroundings proved near to impossible to worth with. 
  The main problem was lighting and that we didn't have enough of it. With the lights out the darkness meant that near to nothing was visible in the shots - rendering them useless. 
(raw footage)

When we did our next shoot we made sure to use a tripod more often and we also used a reflector and a better torch to bounce some light back onto the subjects when working in dark conditions. 

  The editing software we used was Adobe Premiere elements, which is just like any other generic editing software so I came to grips with it pretty quickly.  
  We changed the volume of the ambient sound so that it was the same volume throughout because we had to film twice - therefore the sound was different each time. 

  Making titles was easy as I am competent in Photoshop so I was able to make the title look like it had a halo around the 'A' and also made the animation of Lunar Films. 
  The hardest part about titles is where to place them. The initial titles at the start of the film were placed so that the appeared with the sound of the piano - making the visual and aural aspects of the film happen in sync with each other. 

  We used effects in our film to transition across to new shots or titles. We used 'dip-to-black' in 'Effects' section to fade the titles into each other and also when Darcie takes the money from the till - creating short snaps of clip to shock the audience. 
  We also used cross dissolve to dissolve to clips across each other and therefore connect them, such as when the clip of Darcie taking the money from the till dissolves into Adrian watching her - showing the audience that he saw her do it. 

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