Wednesday 5 October 2011

How do trailers appeal to their demographic?

Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (2011)

The demographic for this film would have been men and teenage boys. There is a mysterious feel to the trailer and the camera angles are done so that it looks like somebody is watching the actors. It also might appeal to people who have read the novel, as the film based on a best-selling novel by John Le CarrĂ©. The colour scheme and lighting is also that of a typical spy film. It has dim lighting to create atmosphere and tension and having the only truly vibrant colour as red, usually blood, but could also be warning signs or foreshadowing. From the trailer, the subject is clear, it is a spy film about a mole at the top of the circus planted by the Russians and somebody is going to have to stop him. They also don’t give too much away concerning the plot line or character development and leave it on a cliff-hanger to still keep the audience captive. It would also attract attention from the demographic because of the use of A-List actors, which sell the film more as people who like a certain actor may want to see the film because it looks interesting and their favourite actor is also in the film. Also, the trailer is very busy and fast paced, this means the audience have to follow the trailer carefully and then become hooked and therefore will want to see the film and the fact it is busy is very generic of a spy, thriller film because there are usually many characters and plot twists and we can see that start to develop, but not completely, in the trailer. 

Paul (2011)

The demographic for this film is 16-24 year old people and perhaps Sci-Fi fans. The subject of the film is immediately recognisable as a comedy from the quick wit and humour running throughout the trailer. With comedy being a very popular genre, it means that this film will appeal to many people, which is intended. The use of familiar, A-List actors, like Nick Frost and Simon Webb mean that we recognise them instantly and associate them with previous films, such as Hot Fuzz and Shaun of the Dead, and therefore the audience will see this as a positive aspect of the film because Frost and Webb have made a lot of comedy films previously. Although it is a comedy, we see a large element of Sci-Fi in this trailer, too, with the main character being an Alien, called Paul, and the whole reason for these two Englishmen being in America is them going to a Sci-Fi convention. The typical Working Title theme of the relationship between British and American people means that the company and theme is easily recognisable and people will associate it with other good films by Working Title. It also has an Action-Adventure feel to it due to the use of guns and a car chase, which adds to the demographics’ appeal, moving more towards 16-24 year old males, generally. Also the use of big names such as Universal Pictures and saying that it was directed by the same person who directed Superbad has appeal because the demographic will be the same for both films, as they are both comedy and people who’ve seen Superbad will probably be interested in seeing Paul


  1. Good - clear understanding of how film was packaged and aimed at market and target audience.

  2. Good commentary also for TTSS trailer. Action thriller is a genre favoured by male audiences but there is a psychological element to construction of trailer. Psychological thriller popular with female audiences. The director and the mise-en-scene also appealing to particular audience.
